
VIRAT - Vyas Edification's Intelligence Reward Cum Admission Test

VIRAT - Vyas Edification's Intelligence Reward Cum Admission Test

WIN iPhone - Laptop - Tablet - Smartwatch - and Scholarship of Lakhs

Virat exam is a two-round process

  • The first round will be held online from home.

  • The second round will be on-site, through proctored offline/online mode.

  1. The first round is the qualifying round and the winners will be determined based on the second round only.

  2. Winners will be announced after the end of Round 2

  3. The winners of Round 2 stand a chance to win many gifts like an iPhone, Laptop, Tab and Smart Watch and also get a scholarship equivalent to the percentage of marks scored in the VIRAT exam for admission to the Vyas Residential Programme - VRP.

VSU- Vyas Edification Scholarship for Social Upliftment

बेटी पढ़ाओ,बेटी बचाओ - 60%-Scholarships to Girl Child

Beti Padhao-Beti Bachao (Educate Daughters-Save Daughters)

All girls enrolling in the institution will receive a direct 60% discount on tuition fees without the requirement of a scholarship test or any minimum percentage criteria.

VSSF-Vyas Edification Scholarship for Security-Forces

50%-Scholarship for the wards of Security Forces including Armed Forces, Boarder Security Forces, Paramilitary Forces, and Police.

Children of Armed Forces, Paramilitary Forces, and Police Personnel will benefit from a direct 50% reduction in tuition fees.

VSED-Vyas Edification's Scholarship to the wards of Engineers, Doctors, Teachers & Print Media Professionals

डॉक्टर्स इंजीनियर्स, टीचर्स तथा प्रिंट मीडिया से जुड़े कर्मियों के बच्चों को भी 50%-की छूट

Children of Doctors, Engineers, Teachers, and Print Media Professionals will also enjoy a 50% discount.

VSNES-Vyas Edification Scholarship for Students Of North-East Area

60%-Scholarship for all the students belonging to North-East Of Indian Union Of States. Students can register for scholarships on the company's website or visit the head office or residential educational campus, VRP Campus Kota.

VSMS-Vyas Scholarship to Meritorious Students

VSMS-Vyas Scholarship to Meritorious Students on the Basis of Marks in Science+Maths at 10th Standard or in VSAT

Valid 1 May - 31 Aug

a) Basis- Marks in Science+Maths at 10th Standard**

Marks/Scholarship Table is as follows -


Marks = 100% / 100% Scholarship

Marks > 95% / 95% Scholarship

Marks > 90% / 90% Scholarship


Marks > 80% / 50% Scholarship

Marks > 75% / 30% Scholarship

Marks > 70% / 20% Scholarship

(**Available for First 100 Students)

b) Basis - Marks obtained in Vyas Scholarship Cum Admission Test-VSAT

Your scholarship is as much marks you obtain in Vyas Scholarship Test-VST.

Example : 70%-Marks in VST then scholarship will be-70%



To Avail Scholarships
Download The Sample Test Paper
Assess Your Scholarship


Contact us on:

Call or WhatsApp -

+91 8727872767 ,

Mail us on -

Campus -

VRP Campus, IPB-19, RIICO Institutional Area Rd, Ranpur, Kota, Rajasthan 324003

Head Office -

141-A, Vyas Edification Lane, Talwandi, Kota, Rajasthan 324005

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© 2024 Adhigam Education And Technologies Pvt. ltd.




To Avail Scholarships
Download The Sample Test Paper
Assess Your Scholarship


Contact us on:

Call or WhatsApp -

+91 8727872767

Mail us on -

Campus -

VRP Campus
Institutional Area Rd
Ranpur, Kota, Raj. 324003

Head Office -

141-A, Vyas Edification
Lane, Talwandi, Kota
Raj. 324005

Follow us on:

© 2024 Adhigam Education And Technologies Pvt. ltd.



To Avail Scholarships
Download The Sample Test Paper
Assess Your Scholarship


Contact us on:

Call or WhatsApp -

+91 8727872767 ,

Mail us on -

Campus -

VRP Campus, IPB-19, RIICO Institutional Area Rd
Ranpur, Kota, Rajasthan 324003

Head Office -

141-A, Vyas Edification Lane, Talwandi, Kota, (Raj.) 324005

Follow us on:

© 2024 Adhigam Education And Technologies Pvt. ltd.